Each mutant Toad has the main characteristics that affect the experience gained in the game — it's health and mood. The closer these indicators are to 100, the more experience the Toad gets every minute (even when you're not playing).

What can a breeder do with a Toad:

  1. feed
  2. help to go to the toilet
  3. play
  4. put to bed
  5. bring to the doctor
  6. send them to combat training
  7. or go to resting house (new)

In general, Toads are similar to people, but let's figure out every action anyway.


You need to feed the Toad no more than 3 times a day. The report of the new day starts at 08:00 in the morning. The periods between meals should be more than 3 hours. If you do not follow a diet (less than 3 hours have passed between meals and /or the Toad has eaten more than 3 times a day), then the mood of the Toad drops by -5


Otherwise the mood drops


During the day, the Toad will sometimes ask you to take him to the toilet. If this is not done, then the level of health and mood may begin to fall

Toad ALWAYS wants to go to the toilet after he wakes up

(and we said these Creatures are VERY similar to humans)